Friends of Swanwick Quiz Night is taking place on 14th November at 6pm - tickets are available to buy on ParentPay or from the office.


Interested in applying for a place at SSSC...

Swanwick School & Sports College is a Local Authority Special School catering for 97 young people in Key Stages 1, 2, 3 and 4.

All children attending Swanwick School and Sports College must have a Educational Needs or an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP).

Children attending the main provision have a range of needs including moderate and severe learning difficulties, associated behaviour difficulties and Autism Spectrum Disorders.

The school does not cater for pupils with Social, Emotional and Mental Health needs with no learning difficulties.

The Hub ASD provision at Swanwick School and Sports College is for 10-12 Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 pupils with an Educational Health Care Plan who have a diagnosis of Autism with which there may be associated complex and/or challenging behaviours. The pupils will be of average ability although most work at below Age Related Expectations (ARE) and will follow the cognition pathway.

Swanwick School and Sports College is one part of the Special Education provision within Derbyshire and the Local Authority has ultimate responsibility and discretion for placing pupils at Swanwick School and Sports College. 
To find out about our schools admission and appeal arrangements please contact the local authority:

Special Needs Section
Derbyshire County Council
County Hall

Telephone number:- 01629 580000

If you would like to visit or view our school, please contact school reception on 01773 602198 and book on to one of our parent and carer opening evenings.