Wednesday 9th October 10am - 11am is our next Parent/Carer Coffee Morning and will be covering online safety. You can register your attendance on ParentPay.

Work Experience

Careers - Work Experience:

Helping our pupils with their next steps...

​Work Experience/Enterprise:

  • Students in Year 11 dependent on their chosen vocational options will have the opportunity to access a work experience programme through the supported insights scheme or internally in school.
  • All students are, given the opportunity to contribute to the yearly Christmas enterprise project to raise money for school projects.
  • Vocational experiences, learning and accreditation where appropriate.
  • Opportunities to practise home management skills.
  • Volunteering where appropriate.
  • As part of careers lessons all students have the opportunity to showcase their talents in this area.
  • Some educational trips will have the sole focus of exploring job opportunities and the skills, experiences and qualifications needed to access the roles.