Our RSE Policy is currently under consultation until Friday 25th October 2024. The Policy can be viewed on the school policies section of our website.

Pupil Absence Procedures

Reporting an Absence:

As you are all aware Parents/Carers are required, by law, to make sure that their children attend school regularly and punctually.

 To report a pupil as absent from school in cases where they are too ill to attend, please phone 01773 602198 (option 1) or email absence@swanwicksportscollege.derbyshire.sch.uk by 9am to provide a reason for non-attendance. Each subsequent day of absence will be treated the same as the first day of absence so we would be grateful if you could continue to make the school aware of continued absence by 9am each day to allow us to meet our safeguarding responsibilities.

Medical Appointments:
We understand that your child may have to attend medical appointments during school hours, if a scheduled appointment falls during the school day you must notify the office in advance. Evidence of the appointment must be emailed to absence@swanwicksportscollege.derbyshire.sch.uk at least 24 hours before and every effort must be made for the child to attend school either before or after the appointment.
Holidays and Other Requests for Absence During Term Time:
leave of absence request form must be completed in these instances. Please note that the Education (Pupil Registration) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2013 state that Headteacher’s should not grant approval for any leave of absence during term-time, including holidays, unless there are exceptional circumstances.

The form can be found below. Once completed it must be returned, in advance, to the school office.

Please see below the steps for pupil absence below 90%...