Wednesday 9th October 10am - 11am is our next Parent/Carer Coffee Morning and will be covering online safety. You can register your attendance on ParentPay.


Incorporating both History and Geography...

Humanities is taught across the Key Stages (KS) including KS2, KS3 and KS4.

At KS2 Humanities is often delivered through a Theme such as ‘Transport and Travel’ where elements from both Geography and History are covered.

At KS3 students have two lessons a week (40 minutes each lesson) for both Geography and History, following a varied and relevant curriculum. In Humanities students develop their knowledge and understanding of the world and how different societies have developed over time. Students look at the world around them, explore the impacts actions have had on the world and learn about sustainability. In History students will compare time periods to their own life and to other historical periods using a range of sources.

 At KS4 we offer a variety of qualifications in both History and Geography including Asdan, OCR Entry Level  and GCSE.