
Values and Ethos

“Enjoy, Achieve, Exceed.”
Our pupils will:-
  • Achieve their full academic potential
  • Look back on Swanwick School & Sports College with a wealth of positive memories and worthwhile experiences
  • Become independent, confident young adults and responsible members of society
  • Understand the choices available to them and the consequences of their actions
  • Acquire the life skills, qualifications and self worth to achieve their full potential and access further opportunities in adult life.
  • Respect themselves, have a positive self-image and a positive outlook on life
  • Be tolerant and respectful of others beliefs, views, abilities and culture
  • Be able to learn and work successfully both individually and with others
  • Be adaptable learners and thinkers
  • Be informed and willing to make a positive contribution to society
  • Be able to make healthy lifestyle choices
  • Have the skills, knowledge and experience to achieve economic well being

This will be achieved through:-

  • An ethos where every member of the Swanwick School & Sports College community’s successes and achievements are celebrated
  • A broad, balanced and relevant curriculum
  • A highly skilled staff team providing positive role models both academically and socially.
  • High expectations both academically and socially
  • Innovative and exciting teaching tailored to meet individual learning styles that inspires independent working skills, investigative thinking and reflective learning
  • Provision of a safe, stimulating and caring environment free from bullying and discrimination
  • Provide a variety of opportunities to achieve every young person’s full potential
  • Providing opportunities for young people to push their boundaries both academically, vocationally and emotionally in a supported and structured fashion.
  • Good communication, relationships and partnerships centred around the child involving the school, parents/carers and other agencies
  • An enriching programme of interactive visits, residential experiences and extra curricular activities which inform career pathways and employment opportunities
  • Providing time, care and attention for every young person and their individual needs
  • Providing high quality PE and Outdoor & Adventurous Activities to encourage future hobbies and broadening of horizons.
  • Positive interaction with both mainstream and special school peers
  • Opportunities for pupils to voice their opinions in decision making both on a personal and whole community level
  • An educational climate which promotes mutual respect, provides appropriate role models and opportunities for personal development