Our RSE Policy is currently under consultation until Friday 25th October 2024. The Policy can be viewed on the school policies section of our website.


Helping our pupils with their next steps...

At SSSC we aim to ensure our pupils have the best opportunity of finding meaningful employment and enter adulthood as independently as possible. We measure and assess the careers programme's impact on pupils against the Gatsby Benchmark, which can be found in the links below. These are completely three times a year and the next review date will be in the Spring/Summer Term 2024. 
Further Information:
Work Experience/Enterprise:

  • Students in Year 11 dependent on their chosen vocational options will have the opportunity to access a work experience programme through the supported insights scheme or internally in school.
  • All students are, given the opportunity to contribute to the yearly Christmas enterprise project to raise money for school projects.
  • Vocational experiences, learning and accreditation where appropriate.
  • Opportunities to practise home management skills.
  • Volunteering where appropriate. 
  • As part of careers lessons all students have the opportunity to showcase their talents in this area.
  • Some educational trips will have the sole focus of exploring job opportunities and the skills, experiences and qualifications needed to access the roles.

Parent/Carer Involvement

Throughout KS4 Parent/ Carers will be actively encouraged to be involved in assisting their child in making realistic and positive choices.

To encourage and support Parent/ Carers to visit the post 16 providers either through open events or individual planned visits with their child to help with making the right positive choice.

Signed Parent/ Carer consent is required for all students participating in off-site visits to Colleges, Sixth forms, independent providers and SEND skills festival events.

Parent/ Carers are informed of progress within, Annual Reviews, Parent / Carer Consultation evenings and on Mid- Term and End of year School Reports.

A Parent/ Carer information evening is held early in the new school year to advise and support parent/carers of students in year 11, on the next step after Swanwick School & Sports College and how the students are prepared in school for their transition into a post 16 provision.

For more information regarding our careers programme please get in touch with our Carers Lead Leigh Parry or Post-16 Lead Julie Brooks on 01773 602198 or email FAO:- info@swanwicksportscollege.derbyshire.sch.uk.

Information for Parents: