
SSSC Pathways

Offering a tailored curriculum for our pupil
Cognition Intent
The majority of pupils attend SSSC because of their learning needs and so access our Cognition pathway. These learning needs are such that pupils are achieving below age related expectations to varying degrees. In addition to learning needs cognition pupils may have other needs including communication needs, physical needs and social and emotional needs.

The Cognition pathway at SSSC ensures pupils receive the appropriate knowledge and skills they need to successfully access the next stage of learning both within the school and ultimately for when they leave our school.
We ensure the Cognition pathway offers an appropriate blend of academic rigour, key life skills and communication support. Academic rigour ensures pupils achieve a wide range of formal qualifications including GCSE, Functional Skills, vocational and subject specific Entry level qualifications. Focusing on key life skills and communication skills maximises the ability of every pupil to access each stage of learning successfully and independently giving them the best opportunity to succeed in their chosen path in adulthood.
Nurture Intent
The Nurture pathway at SSSC is designed to meet the needs of our pupils with the most complex of needs including significant learning needs. The Nurture pathway provides greater consistency of routine using a primary model with a substantial focus on the EYFS curriculum ethos. The pathway is delivered in identified areas to reduce transitions whilst continuing to encourage independence, resilience and self-confidence.

The Nurture curriculum promotes independence allowing pupils to thrive through a broad, balanced and flexible curriculum that builds on fundamental life skills, academic achievement, appropriate interventions and cultural capital opportunities in line with SSSC’s ethos and vision.
The Nurture pathway provides a range of appropriate qualifications leading to Foundation studies at Post 16 or specialised 6th form provision and hopefully worthwhile, meaningful employment experiences in later life.