SSSC provides a caring and supportive environment giving students the opportunity to succeed, gain in confidence and improve their self-esteem. Our classes are small and created mostly around individual year groups. The school has two identified pathways for our and Primary and Secondary aged pupils. These are titled as the Nurture and Cognition pathways. Our caring ethos and innovative curriculum enables our students to thrive, make excellent progress and enjoy their education.
Pupils in the Primary department are taught in small groups with 1 full time teacher and 1- 2 Full time Teaching Assistants. For the majority of their curriculum, they are taught in the same room by the same staff ensuring consistency and the opportunity to develop essential relationships.
In KS3, the Cognition pupils are placed in forms that are set mainly as year groups whilst the Nurture classes are a mix of KS3 pupils. All pupils are streamed by ability for Maths and English across both pathways, however Cognition pupils are taught as a form for the rest of their curriculum. Morning sessions are primarily academic with afternoon sessions being specifically designed to have a on hands on vocational focus. There are 6 periods throughout the day that follow the National Curriculum objectives for each individual pupils’ ability.
In KS4 Cognition there are 6 periods throughout the day. Pupils are placed in forms that are mainly set as year groups whilst the Nurture classes are a mix of KS4 pupils. Pupils are streamed by ability for Maths and English, however pupils taught as a form for the majority of their curriculum. All pupils are given the opportunity to achieve a variety of Nationally recognised qualifications relevant to individual academic need. Morning sessions are primarily academic with afternoon sessions being dedicated to the students chosen Options. SSSC ensure the curriculum is tailored to each individual pupil ensuring every subject has a variety of appropriate qualifications available throughout both year 10 and 11.
The Hub is part of the Cognition pathway and it operates flexibility in co-operation with the main SSSC site, mainstream schools and alternative educational programme providers, depending on the individual needs of each pupil. Wherever it is appropriate young people attending The Hub access some or all of their education alongside the existing pupil population of SSSC in order to build and improve their social skills. Whilst the existing pupils within SSSC may have a range of other learning needs the main school classrooms offer a non-threatening environment for positive social interaction, role modelling and observation.
As pupils in The Hub are of average or higher ability, we are looking to extend both the range and level of qualifications available to our pupils as they progress into Key Stage 4 including GCSEs. We are also looking to establish links with mainstream schools in order to offer our young people the chance to access some of their education within a mainstream environment if we feel this supports the young person’s academic and social development.
At SSSC we also have an identified pathway called the Nurture pathway. This has been specifically designed to meet the needs of our pupils with the most complex of needs including significant learning needs. The Nurture pathway provides greater consistency of routine using a primary model with a substantial focus on the EYFS curriculum ethos. The pathway is delivered in identified areas to reduce transitions whilst continuing to encourage independence, resilience and self-confidence.
The Nurture curriculum promotes independence allowing pupils to thrive through a broad, balanced and flexible curriculum that builds on fundamental life skills, academic achievement, appropriate interventions and cultural capital opportunities in line with SSSC’s ethos and vision.
The Nurture pathway provides a range of appropriate qualifications leading to Foundation studies at Post 16 or specialised 6th form provision and hopefully worthwhile, meaningful employment experiences in later life.
All of our students are encouraged to Enjoy, Achieve and Exceed their individual potential-academically, socially and personally. We want them to become successful, confident and caring adults able to play an active part in society. Our strong commitment to equality of opportunity and equality of esteem is intended to ensure that all students, regardless of ability, aptitude or background.
SSSC have responded to the New National Curriculum. Each subject Lead has examined their area of the National Curriculum and ensured a tailor made route has been created specifically for our students.