

Developing interpersonal relationships with their peers over a broad spectrum of ages...
At SSSC each student is part of a house. There are 6 houses in total and they are named after Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury and Pluto. Each house is vertically streamed meaning that there are students in each house from KS1 to KS4. This structure enables our young people to develop interpersonal relationships with their peers over a broad spectrum of ages.

Throughout the academic year each house competes to obtain counters for their house. The house that has obtained the most points at the end of the year is crowned Inter-house winners. The winners keep the Inter-house trophy in their house room for the year and are given a day out at a local water park as their prize.

Points can be obtained throughout the year for outstanding/behaviour work in lessons or as part of our termly Inter-house sporting events.