

An opportunity to build a strong sense of community...

Assemblies are an essential part of the curriculum at SSSC. It is an opportunity for the whole school to come together at the start of the week to learn about a variety of essential topics. Whole school themed assemblies at SSSC take place every Monday morning and Celebration Assemblies take place twice a term on a Friday afternoon. We also have dedicated Learning Hero Key Stage assemblies twice every half term.

Each week we introduce a “Theme of the Week.” Over the remainder of the week the Theme can be used as a focus area in daily tutor time.

Our aim at SSSC is to give pupils the opportunity to develop their Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural skills. Opportunities include Assemblies and form time.

Please note that parents have the right to withdraw their child from Religious Education or Collective Worship, or both.

Please contact the Headteacher to discuss the provision of alternative arrangements.

Please see below our 2023-24 assembly rota.