School opens to pupils on Friday 6th September. Have a lovely summer!

KS4 Nurture Curriculum

Curriculum Map Overview Nurture Pathway 2023-2024
A wide-ranging and comprehensive curriculum offering...


Autumn 1


Autumn 2


Spring 1


Spring 2


Summer 1


Summer 2


Topic focus

Our World and Beyond

 Frozen Kingdom

Peace and Conflict

Light, Camera and Action

The Olympics

Made Versus Machine

Expressive Arts and Design

 Aboriginal Art (drawing)

Around the World - Charanga



Goldsworthy – Nature inspired Artwork

Ho Ho Ho – Charanga

Artist: Blick (collage)

Compose wartime music - soundscapes

 Artist: Wayne Thiebaud (3D sculpture)

Musical performance

Pop Art –

Sport themed

(Photography and paint)

National Anthems


 Robots by Robin Davis /Clayton Bayley

(3D sculpture)

Piano versus keyboard Garage Band


Understanding the


Our Solar system

Religious journeys



 How cold climates affects people and how people affect cold climates

Habitats, adaptation and Food chains

Christmas story and celebrations, Hanukkah

Creating content through research

Why do we wear poppies?

Mapwork using scale and direction

Changes in Materials

Developing respect and Tolerance

Creating content through digital artwork

Film and Entertainment

Case study of a place (Hollywood and

Leicester Square)

Light – materials and their properties

Holi – colour Festival

Using technology with a purpose

 History of Olympics

Country Comparison – UK / Greece

Healthy Living – Body, Diet and Exercise

Celebrating differences

Digital world


Buildings and Landmarks  

Forces and Magnets

Sacred text and teachings History of computers,

Understanding Technology


Physical Development

 Invasion games

(Handball, Tchoukball, Netball)


Net Games




 Net Games





Gym and dance display


 Striking and Fielding



Personal, Social and emotional Development

Careers Management

Likes and Dislikes

Health and Wellbeing

Relationships and Sex Education

Living in the Wider World Citizenship


Enterprise project

Creative Explorers, outdoor activities Relationships and Sex Education

Living in the Wider World Citizenship


World of Work

Travel, shopping and money

Relationships and Sex Education

Living in the Wider World Citizenship



 First Aid

Relationships and Sex Education

Living in the Wider World Citizenship


Developing Yourself

Making the Most of Leisure time -

Hobbies and travel

Interpersonal Skills and friendships

Relationships and Sex Education

Living in the Wider World Citizenship



World of Work

Home Management and travel smart

Relationships and Sex Education

Living in the Wider World Citizenship