Our RSE Policy is currently under consultation until Friday 25th October 2024. The Policy can be viewed on the school policies section of our website.

Theme KS3 Cognition Trip to The Deep in Hull

On Wednesday 24th and Thursday 25th January, our four KS3 cognition groups made the journey up to Hull to see the sights and wonders of The Deep as part of their Theme curriculum. The theme for Spring 1 is Seas and Oceans, and pupils were able to see first hand some of the incredible creatures that live under water around the world, as well as developing a deeper understanding of eco-systems and the important of coral reefs. Pupils were able to explore different corals and study them under microscopes, whilst also having the opportunity to see a variety of shark teeth, shells and food-chains as part of a workshop. It was a fantastic trip and the pupils thoroughly enjoyed the experience.